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It is Time to Transform into Your Most Empowered Sense of Self!


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You are the creator of your story…you decide if you are the hero, villain, or victim. I guide you to shift your thinking toward empowerment!

Other ways to Dive even Deeper into your Unconscious Mind

Life Coaching

What is coaching with you like?

You know how people give you unsolicited advice and it feels like they aren’t even listening to what you really need, want, and desire? Have you ever poured yourself out to someone just to have them look back at you blankly like they have no idea what to do with what you shared?

Yeah, I’ve felt those things and more, and coaching with me will be the exact opposite. You will leave our sessions with a clearly defined set of outcomes and massive action steps you will take until we meet again – and raise the bar even higher!

*Bonus: informed trauma care and heart-centered healing are signatures of working with me so come with your closet full of skeletons because we’re gonna clear it out! 

I have a therapist/sponsor/mentor in my life already.

Awesome! I have many of those in my life as well. I believe in building a team around me that exemplifies success in their given area or field. I find it important to evaluate the members of my team to make sure we are on the same page and all working me toward the same goals.

As a coach, I bring a non-biased set of eyes and ears into your experiences. With my unique questions and ability to hear what is not being said, I can make sure your self-awareness is firing on all cylinders and your blind spots are no longer lost in your peripherals.

Do you guarantee my success?

I guarantee if you keep doing things the way you always have you will keep getting the things you already got. It is up to you to do the work after our sessions. You can’t pay someone else to do your push-ups for you – and my schedule is already full doing my own push-ups.

Our time together is going to be work. You are investing in yourself through me and the payoff will be in direct proportion to the effort you put into yourself away from me.

When and where do we meet?

In-person if we are near one another, otherwise Zoom is my favorite communication platform.

As far as when…we coordinate the best time for you so our sessions together are seamless, connective, and enjoyable. 

I didn’t use the word comfortable, because I am going to push you outside your comfort zone – but they will be enjoyable, some of the time, I promise.

I want to share openly, how private are these sessions?

I do not have a medical or law degree but I adhere to their patient/client confidentiality rules and ethos.

Whatever you say to me stays with me. I know how important it is for you to be vulnerable and feel safe sharing with me – and we co-create a relationship where you know you are safe in your sharing.

NLP Training & Certification Course

How will NLP help me?

From my own perspective, I remember being completely overwhelmed at different times in my life, when I simply couldn’t work out a solution and felt really frustrated.
What NLP gave me was a set of tools to at least set out on a path, which eventually revealed the solution.

I believe that we all face recurring challenges, difficulties where we feel stuck and need insight or a new perspective, but without guidance we struggle to gain that perspective.

The only time we ever truly transcend a problem is when we get new, fresh thinking around it. In other words, we experience the problem from varied states of consciousness.

Had I not found NLP I am not sure what my sobriety, my recovery, and my life in general would be. I can attest that my old way of thinking wasn’t going to get me where I am today.

Is this useful for my personal life or professional career?

So often people don’t feel fully comfortable in their own skin, feeling they are caught between ‘a rock and a hard place’ in their life. Each person has their own unique life-blueprint, which tends to follow common patterns. Some examples:

  • Feeling you are not enough, or imposter syndrome
  • Feeling exhausted along with a belief you must take on life’s burdens single-handedly. 
  • Feeling disappointed in (a) key area(s): health, career, relationships, finances, or emotional management.

What all these life blueprints share is the idea of conditional love: that we are not intrinsically love-able unless we do something. Sadly, these blueprints are a by-product of growing up in societies where a lack of emotional intelligence is inherent in our combined cultural upbringings. 

People often split their personal and professional lives because of the buzz phrase, “work/life balance.” In reality they’re not separate-able.  When someone resolves their personal issues this is also reflected toward huge improvements in their professional issues – and vice versa. 

No matter what I try nothing seems to work!?

Do you ever have a groundhog day ‘here we go again’ type of feeling, then beat yourself up for reacting the same way…again? We’ll cover principles and ideas to answer your questions about why you get into familiar situations or patterns, over, and over, and over again – and help you link these behaviors to your unconscious motivators and values.

The key to not getting hooked on the bait is to understand your own, often subconscious, reactions, and the origins of why you behave the ways you do. This level of self-awareness is the power source for you to stop yourself in the moment and choose to behave in a more desirable manner. 

How long is the course? Will I earn a certification?

The course is three hour sessions for 12-weeks. There is an immersion day at the beginning and two immersion days at the end – meaning a full eight hour day.

The two days at the end are when you will take all of the tools, resources, and strategies you have learned over the 12-weeks and coach a partner through blocks they are having in their life. The will also coach you through a NLP breakthrough!

Once you graduate you will have earned certification as a:

NLP Practioner

NLP Life Coach

NLP Executive Coach

NLP Time Dynamics Practioner

Still not clear on what NLP is?

NLP is amazing AND it is all around you. NLP is based on how the five primary senses, touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell, bring our brains information. That information is then filtered and processed by your brain, in a way that is individualized to you, and from that you create your reality in your head.

NLP teaches you how to experience life differently than you’ve been programmed. This is why it is so effective in helping people overcome trauma, addiction, depression, guilt, and shame (to name a few.)

NLP isn’t magic, though it has been discussed as such. NLP at its root is a series of strategies, tools, and resources that were modeled from people who were able to accomplish great things in every field of study, employment, relationships, and personal growth.

NLP will only change everything…once you embrace it and adopt its principles into your daily life.

I promise. It changed everything for me. I know it can bring you similar results. You merely have to work at it like any other practice you desire to master.

Everything you desire is on the other side
of your Comfort Zone!

Your mind is like a parachute, it works best when it is open.

You can read all the books in the world, join every program around, and attend all the conferences out there, but if you don’t change the way you think nothing will be able to break through the limitations you have placed upon yourself.

Develop your growth-mindset so it’s your default way of thinking.

Is your Life guided by Love or Fear?

I believe fear is the foundation for everything that holds us back as a species. From fear of failure, to fear of success, and everything in between – Fear exists in you, so embrace it, as a sign of growth!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to live your Life through LOVE not FEAR!!

You are NOT stuck, you are standing still.

Everything you desire in life is created by taking action each and everyday. Taking action is a choice. Not taking action is a choice. If it matters to you nothing will stop you from prioritizing it in your life.

Connecting to your “Big Why” is your source for your inner – motivation to Take Action!

Details Matter!

True growth is devloped with day-to-day discipline. How you talk to yourself, how you choose to experience your life, how you present yourself to the world – your habits create your identity, thus your life – choose wisely and consciously!

Embrace your discipline and change your micro-habits through self-awareness.

When the rubber meets the road.

Your ability to be flexible, in the face of a world where planning is priceless, yet plans tend to be worthless, will greatly determine the likelihood you continue to push forward.

Exercise flexibility in your thinking, doing, and being.

Rigidity can cause even the strongest material to break.

The Wise Mind Empowerment HUB

Grow and Evolve through learning how (to):
…And so much more! This list could go on for about as long as my podcasts run laughing
I love The Wise Mind Tribe!

This is just such a wonderful community to be part of and I feel blessed every day.

Its beautiful and amazing to watch us all grow and be there for one another.

The support and love is felt 🙏🏻🙌🏼💞

– Karen L.

Have you ever invested in self-help resources like books, courses, or PDFs, only to find that you struggle to put their teachings into practice and see real results? Or have you ever joined a program or attended a workshop or conference, feeling motivated and inspired, only to have those feelings fade as soon as you return to your everyday life? If so, you’re not alone. But have you ever stopped to consider why this might be the case?

Join me in creating an “All The Way UP Life”. The time is now!

Goodbye self-sabotage and rumination

Jesse, our tribe, and NLP has helped me to better process waves of emotions and/or flashbacks I get regarding past trauma in my life. This has improved my overall well-being as I am more aware of, and better at, processing those emotions as they come instead of succumbing to rumination and self sabotage.

– Lindsay VM.

The root cause of not being able to apply self-help teachings is often traced back to one’s thoughts, feelings, and emotional state at the time of purchasing the material or leaving an event. Understanding this connection can help shed light on past behaviors and reveal ingrained patterns that may have gone unnoticed.

Everything is Amazingly Different!

Actual sobriety and actual recovery is effn mind blowing.  Effn mind blowing.  Everything, everyone, every situation, every circumstance, every relationship, every responsibility, every decision…EVERYTHING is different. Thank you Jesse for everything you do and for being a huge part of this!

– Tim J

Inspiration can be a powerful feeling, but it can also be fleeting. The problem is that once we leave an inspiring environment or situation, our normal thoughts and emotions can quickly dampen our motivation. To keep the inspiration going, it’s important to understand how the brain’s reward system and habit formation work. When we successfully complete a task or experience, it triggers the brain’s reward receptors, leading to more motivation and success. However, if we leave something half-done or don’t activate the reward system, we’ll struggle to find the motivation to continue.

Join me in creating an “All The Way UP Life”. The time is now!

Forever Grateful - #TribeStrong

I found the the sobriety to recovery podcast at a crucial time, when I was on the brink of stopping drinking. The podcast has, in more ways than one, not only changed my life, but the TRIBE has given me a support system I needed in these early stages of my sobriety. The lessons, the conversations, the things I needed to hear, all came with the podcast and the conversations with my tribe members. I’ll always be grateful to Jesse and the tribe for being there for me. I’m happy to say I’m 157 days sober with their help. #tribestrong

– Shane L.

Picture yourself experiencing brain rewards while working on your tasks, goals and to-dos. Imagine feeling motivated and confident to tackle any challenge. Envision living a life full of curiosity and excitement as you uncover your passions, gifts, and purpose. Imagination & dreams were never meant to be the sole domain of children. They’re at play every time you think – but to make it real, you must take action and bring your ideas to life, creating your own subjective reality.

Empower your most authentic self!

“From Sobriety to Recovery,” on Instagram, was my first introduction to Jesse’s programs to empower your most authentic self. Wise Mind Empowerment, NLP, his podcast, and the Tribe are all added bonuses that keep me on track and accountable.

Thank you Jesse, truly, Glow on!

– Krystal B.

Are you ready to bring your lifelong dream of a better life to reality? You’ve had the vision since you were young, but life took a different turn. It’s okay, that turn can now be a solution. Let me guide you with my expertise. I practice everything I teach, evaluating and refining until I achieve my desired outcome. This is a continuous process I undergo daily.

Join me in creating an “All The Way UP Life”. The time is now!

Your show inspires me man!

Thank you so much!! I’m still early in my recovery but I love your podcast. I started late in the show and today I resolved to go and start from the beginning. 😁

Zain Y.