Are you impeccable with your words? Do you honor your commitments to yourself?
Do you take things personally and then spiral down the rabbit hole about what was said??
There are more desirable ways to live your life, and “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz helps guide you there.

The Four Agreements, part 1

Episode #266

Be impeccable with your words, and do not take things personally. Sounds easy enough, and then life creeps in – you know, that thing that happens while you are busy making plans and doing things. When you strive to live by the four agreements, you offer yourself a roadmap to navigate. There will be detours, speed bumps, and emergency pitstops, but they are not meant to deter you from your path – they are signs along your highway alerting you to pay attention and increase your self-awareness. 

Let’s get into the first two agreements and inventory where you are doing well and where you can grow!

Just hit play, and let’s dive in with our open minds, hearts, and energies, bringing everyone into the fold – you are in the right place, at the right time…right now.

It is time. It has been time. To live is to shine. Step into the SUN.

Stand up, step forward, raise your hand – it’s your turn, head the call!

Power Sentences & Quotes

  1. “Every promise you make, every word you utter, should align with your inner values and goals.”
  2. “By practicing integrity in your speech and actions, you build a foundation of trust within yourself and with those around you.”
  3. “The words you choose not only communicate your thoughts to others but also shape your own self-perception and reality.”
  4. “When you learn not to take things personally, you gain a freedom that is both empowering and calming.”
  5. “Your reactions, habits, and even your emotional responses are often rooted in deeply ingrained programming.”
  6. “By bringing awareness to these subconscious influences, you have the opportunity to reshape them.”
  7. “Understanding the role of your subconscious is a vital part of your journey to self-improvement.”

Content Summary

The Power of Words and Integrity: In your journey of personal development and recovery, I can not overstate the importance of being impeccable with your words. Behaving this way means more than honesty with others; it’s about being true to yourself. Every promise you make, every word you utter, should align with your inner values and goals. By practicing integrity in your speech and actions, you build trust within yourself and those around you. Remember, the words you choose communicate your thoughts to others and shape your self-perception and reality.

Emotional Detachment and Personal Responsibility: One of the most liberating realizations you can have is that the behaviors and words of others are often reflections of their internal struggles and emotions, not a verdict on your worth. When you learn not to take things personally, you gain a freedom that is both empowering and calming. This understanding allows you to navigate interpersonal relationships with more ease and less emotional turmoil. It’s crucial in managing your reactions and emotions, particularly in challenging situations or relationships. As you grow in this understanding, you’ll find that it contributes significantly to your emotional resilience and mental well-being.

Subconscious Influence on Behavior: Recognize your subconscious mind’s profound impact on your daily life. Your reactions, habits, and emotional responses are often rooted in deeply ingrained programming. By bringing awareness to these subconscious influences, you can reshape them. This reshaping involves identifying negative patterns and consciously working to replace them with positive affirmations and behaviors. It’s a powerful way to break free from self-limiting beliefs and habits, paving the way for a life more aligned with your aspirations and potential. Remember, the journey to self-improvement is continuous, and understanding the role of your subconscious is a vital part of this


Take Action

  • Be Impeccable With Your Word: Focus on maintaining integrity in your promises and communications, especially with yourself. Align your actions with your words to foster self-respect and trustworthiness in your relationships. This step is essential for building a foundation of trust within yourself and in your interactions with others.
  • Don’t Take Anything Personally: Understand that others’ behaviors and words often reflect their experiences and emotions rather than your worth. Practicing this detachment can reduce emotional stress and misunderstandings, leading to healthier interactions and a more positive self-perception.
  • Recognize and Change Negative Programming: Acknowledge and actively work on changing the subconscious programming that drives your reactions and behaviors. Replace negative loops with positive affirmations and actions, which are crucial for breaking detrimental habits and fostering a positive mindset.
  • Embrace Personal Change: Accept and embrace changes in your life, especially those related to personal growth or recovery. Understand that your relationships and interactions may also evolve as you change, which is a natural and healthy part of personal development.
  • Respond, Don’t React: Cultivate the ability to respond to situations rather than impulsively reacting thoughtfully. Doing this involves pausing to consider your actions and their consequences, leading to more effective and considerate decision-making.
  • Unlock Your Potential: Believe in and actively pursue the better version of yourself. This may involve seeking new knowledge, experiences, or professional guidance, such as coaching or therapy, to unlock and embrace your full potential.
  • Seek Support When Needed: Reach out for guidance or support when necessary through professional services, community groups, or online resources. Seeking help is a sign of strength and an essential step in committing to your personal growth and well-being.

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