Do you think you have a drinking, drugging, or process addiction problem? There can be a lot of information out there telling you one thing and then being contradicted by the very next Google result. If you are asking yourself if you have a problem, then chances are you are long since past the point of no return, and sobriety to addiction recovery is either your future or a deepening of your suffering, and trauma will push you further down the spiral.

AUDIT: Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test:

Are you or someone you know an addict?

Episode #270

On our journey toward sobriety and recovery, let’s explore the transformative steps that can be seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. Equally important is recognizing the unconscious habits that manipulate our actions and addressing them with conscious effort. Along this path, we must face the reality of our circumstances, honestly assess our addiction, and balance our rational and emotional minds to make well-rounded decisions. Additionally, reframing our relationship with addiction—understanding how it has turned from a friend to a foe—is vital. We need to be proactive in controlling our emotions, preventing old habits from resurfacing, and taking decisive action on the insights we gain. Lastly, embracing the resilience to push through difficult times, celebrating small victories, and seeking support and resources are essential. Through these steps, we can achieve lasting sobriety, enhance our self-awareness, and cultivate a balanced, fulfilling life.


In this week’s show, I am introducing you to the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test [AUDIT]. This quick, 10-question test will give you some pretty clear answers to your questions. What you choose to do with that information will direct the rest of your life.

No pressure or anything – it’s only your life we’re talking about here. ❤️💛⬆️🏔⬆️💛❤️

Power Sentences & Quotes

  1. “You have unconscious programming, unconscious habits that you’re following, that you’re allowing to manipulate you each and every day.” Become aware of your automatic behaviors and question if they serve your recovery goals. Identify and replace these habits with healthier alternatives.

  2. “It can just be quite a challenge to make the decision to change and then realize the actual reality of your circumstances.” Accept that change is difficult and requires confronting the truth of your situation. Commit to facing these challenges head-on and create a realistic plan for change.

  3. “If you’ve asked yourself if you’ve got a problem, very good chances, you do because you wouldn’t be asking that question if there wasn’t some truth in it.” Trust your intuition when questioning your behavior. Use this self-awareness as a catalyst to seek help and begin your recovery journey.

  4. “If you allow your emotions to dictate your behaviors, you are going to find yourself circling back to things you have already decided you’re sick and tired of experiencing.” Practice emotional regulation techniques to avoid reactive behaviors. Develop strategies to manage your emotions in a way that supports your sobriety.

  5. “We want to meld together the rational and the emotional mind using our thinking mind when appropriate, our emotional mind when appropriate, and knowing how to mix the two.” Strive for a balanced approach by integrating both rational thought and emotional awareness in decision-making. This helps in making more grounded and thoughtful choices.

  6. “What was once your best friend has now become your worst enemy; what was once your medicine is now your poison.” Acknowledge that substances you once relied on for comfort are now harming you. Use this realization to motivate your commitment to sobriety and seek healthier coping mechanisms.

  7. “It’s just information unless you take action from it.” Apply the knowledge and insights you gain from self-assessment and recovery resources. Turn information into actionable steps that drive your progress toward sobriety.

Content Summary

The Journey of Recovery: Perseverance and Resilience

Exploring the recovery journey, the emphasis is on the importance of perseverance through difficult times and recognizing the temporary nature of discomfort. Highlighting the need for resilience, you’re encouraged to push through setbacks, understanding that progress is not erased by relapses. Celebrating small victories and acknowledging the lasting impact of each step taken in sobriety is crucial for continued motivation and growth.

Self-Reflection and Action: The Path to Personal Growth

Stressing the significance of self-awareness, you’re urged to reflect on your behaviors and motivations. Using tools like the AUDIT for self-assessment and taking actionable steps based on the results is essential. Embracing the irreversibility of sobriety attempts, you’re encouraged to learn from past experiences and continuously seek improvement. The journey involves both internal reflection and external action, reinforcing the importance of active engagement in recovery.

Embracing Support and Resources: Building a Strong Foundation

The necessity of utilizing available resources and seeking professional help is underscored, highlighting the importance of a supportive network in recovery. Encouragement to reach out for coaching, use hotlines, and access online resources emphasizes the value of external support. The message promotes inclusivity, positive energy, and the power of collective effort, encouraging you to build a strong foundation for long-term sobriety.

Take Action

  • Reflect on Your Habits and Programming: Regularly assess your unconscious habits and programming. Recognize the behaviors that manipulate your daily life and decide which to change for your recovery journey.

  • Face the Challenge of Change: Acknowledge the difficulty of deciding to change and the reality of your circumstances. Prepare yourself mentally for the challenges ahead and commit to taking the first steps towards sobriety.

  • Assess Your Problem Honestly: If you have questioned whether you have an addiction problem, use tools like the AUDIT to gain clarity. Trust that asking the question is a significant indicator that a problem exists and needs addressing.

  • Control Your Emotions: Work on not letting your emotions dictate your behaviors. Develop strategies to prevent falling back into old habits you are tired of experiencing, and stay mindful of your emotional triggers.

  • Balance Rational and Emotional Minds: Practice melding your rational and emotional minds. Use your thinking mind when appropriate and your emotional mind when needed. Strive to balance these two aspects to make well-rounded decisions.

  • Reframe Your Relationship with Addiction: Understand that what was once your best friend and medicine has now become your worst enemy and poison. Use this realization to fuel your determination to stay sober and avoid relapse.

  • Take Action on Information: Information alone is not enough; it requires action. Whether it’s insights from self-assessment or advice from recovery resources, make sure to act on the information you gather to move forward in your recovery.

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